Tuesday, January 28, 2020

5A - Identifying Local Opportunities

Another chicken sandwich clash? McDonald’s is making two new dishes available nationwide
  • The fast food industry is one of the most competitive in the country, and McDonald's and Chick-fil-A are two of those powerhouses in the industry. The presence of competition is a problem for McDonald's, so one of their solutions is to introduce a chicken biscuit and a chicken sandwich, items that are similar to those on the Chick-fil-A menu. This could be a temporary to McDonald's problem with Chick-fil-A's large presence in the fast food industry, but not be a lasting solution.
Do people like working in the School District of Manatee County? It surveyed employees
  • This local article is stating the unmet needs of almost 50% of students in Manatee County who believe that they are underpaid and undervalued in their district. The problem here is that these employees are doing work that is a necessity in the country, however, they feel as if they cannot keep doing this work if they are treated the way they are. The Board of Education in the county has taken consideration of the survey results and will implement a solution moving forward.
Possible solution to slow down drivers on Valley roadways
  • Most accidents in Phoenix, Arizona are caused by speeding, which is not only careless but dangerous for other drives. The problem here is speeding well over the speed limit (approx. 20-30 miles) and the people who are being directly affected are the citizens of Phoenix. The people of Arizona have issued that the counties issue more speeding clocks around the city and be much more strict when it comes to speeding laws and fines.
Starbucks' results top estimates but coronavirus slows sales
  • The problem in this article is that 10% of Starbucks' revenue comes from China, and since the outbreak of the coronavirus, their sales have dropped significantly. The solution to this problem is clearly out of the company's hands, so they will most likely have to wait until they start gaining customers back.
Nike’s online store sells out of Kobe Bryant merchandise
  • Nike is he company that is affected by the act that they have sold out of all of famous athlete Kobe Bryant's merchandise quickly following his untimely death. This is a problem, mainly because most of the people who have bought these items plan to profit off the the tragic death of Kobe Bryant, so Nike has planned to stop selling his merchandise to prevent people from profiting off of his death. This will clearly affect Nike's profits, but I believe that they are more concerned about the morality of the situation rather than how much money they will make.


  1. Hey Jared, I found the five articles you've identified local opportunities in to be very interesting. One in particular I found very moving was the final one regarding Nike removing all merchandise related to Kobe Bryant. I had no idea this was a current problem and despite the fact that Nike will surely lose some of it's profit eliminating all of Bryant's merchandise, I found it to be very inspirational that they did not want others selling it to earn a profit hence why they decided to remove it from their website and stores. Great job with your post!

  2. Hi Jared. I really enjoyed all five of your opportunities. I think it was so interesting that the cornovirus is effecting starbucks sales. I did not know any of that. It makes me question the coffee i had from there this morning. I think those who want to profit off Kobe's death is so sad.In personal opinion, there are not true Kobe fans and do not understand wht he stands for. He was never about the money, it was just a bonus to the amazing life he wanted to live. I pray for those people who are using this for their own gain, also people are forgetting about the other families involved in the crash, if anything they need to donate the money to the gofundme Vanessa created for those that lost love ones as well.

  3. Jared, you represented a great range of opportunities in your post and I enjoyed reading through all of them. I had no idea that Starbucks has such a huge presence in China and that the coronavirus has affected them to such a degree. Additionally, the heated competition in the fast food industry surrounding chicken sandwiches has been interesting to watch. I think Chick Fil A fills a niche in the market that no other existing restaurant can fill, and a lot of the imitation by restaurants like McDonalds is not a long-term solution.

  4. Hey Jared,
    I liked reading this post because it really caught my eye. I did not know that so much of Starbucks' revenue came from China, definitely having some weird impacts from the recent coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan. I also loved reading about the Nike headline and how they so quickly sold out of Kobe's merchandise- we talked about something similar in my marketing class this past week. Legends never die #24 #mamba #gigi.

  5. I enjoyed reading your different articles. It seems that the speeding problem in Arizona is a pretty big deal if it the cause of most of the accidents. I suppose that there is not much traffic there if people are able to go 20-30 miles over the speed limit. Hopefully the methods they are applying will fix the issue, or at least help control it.
