Thursday, April 16, 2020

27A – Reading Reflection No. 3

The book I chose to read for this assignment was Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman.

1) The theme of this book deals with the functions of our brain and how we necessarily react to certain situations and how these reactions can foster good or bad consequences.

2) Although the book is dealing with more psychological and scientific aspects of the mind, I still believe that it coincides with what we are learning in class. When we describe ourselves to potential employers or potential customers, we are using our mind to determine what our market segment is and who we are to potential customers as well.

3) If I were going to design an exercise for the class based on the foundations of what this book is written, it would be similar to the exercise I designed in the last assignment for reading reflection. I would have students describe who they are to potential customers of a certain market segment, relating to them in a way that mirrors their characteristics, Then, I would have the student sell themselves to a completely different market segment to see if they can change the way they see themselves in order to lure customers in by relating to them even if they are nothing alike the market segment they chose.

4) What I was surprised by the most while reading this book was the negative connotation that comes with the workings of our brain and how our brain can be working against us sometimes. I have witnessed this first hand, sometimes I feel myself become more lazy than when I should be, and then I realized after reading this book is that our brains work against us at times and there are parts of our mind that fight over and try and take control versus the other parts.


  1. Great post Jared!
    I can see how this book can relate well to young entrepreneurs, it can help us evaluate our market and ourselves. Your exercise option seems pretty good and practical because it could be a way the class can participate as a whole. It seems that this book can be very good for those who want to understand themselves and other in a more deeply psychological way.
    Nicely done!

  2. Jared,
    I have not read this book, but it sounds like an interesting dissection of the human psyche. I like the exercise you designed regarding the book. I would try this exercise because I believe the results would be very useful; to test myself and see if I can alter enough the way I think and act enough to attract a specific customer segment. Great post!

  3. Hey Jared,
    Great job with your post! I read this book and got a little bit of a different idea from it; however, I liked the way you described this book and it is interesting to see all of the different ways something can be interpreted. I took this book more of something that characterized our brains into two reactionary realms and then went into detail about those- one being the fight or flight response and the other being a more slow and logical way of thinking.
