Thursday, February 13, 2020

9A – Testing the Hypothesis, Part 2

Interview Reflection
      Before conducting the five additional interviews regarding my opportunity, I tried to find ones who would not necessarily hold the same views as the five people that I had interviewed before, but some of the responses were surprisingly similar. Considering that the first five interviews that were conducted were with people who had experience in the industry that allows them to make tips, not the ones who were in management or have never made tips before, I tried to interview people who were either managing a tip-based work environment or people who had never worked/worked a tips job in their life.

Who: There are certain people who share the same opinions with those who have difficulty working with companies that limit their pay rate, however if they do not have the experience working or working where they would receive tips, the fall outside of the boundary of unmet needs. The people that I did interview that had no working experience at all for the most part shared the same concerns and opinions with those I interviewed first, but they did not meet the criteria simply because they had lack of experience.

What: This need can vary from desirable to a true need just depending on the person you are asking. From my interviews, 2 out of the three people in the first set stated that they wanted extra money and a steady pay rate so that they could buy things that they want or go out with friends more, while the rest of the interviewees stated that they would love the extra pay to be able to live a better life and be able to take care of themselves independently. This made me realize that the opportunity itself varies greatly and can cause some issues since it is very broad.

Why: The outsiders' needs are quite different from those inside the boundary, mainly because the ones who are within this boundary actually need this change to happen, while the ones outside are unaffected by this change. This is precisely why change does not occur, because the outsiders' needs are too plentiful and overshadow those who really need change to happen in the service industry.


  1. Hey Jared,
    I really like how you got similar answers though you went out of your way to find people who would hold varying opinions. I liked your idea, but I did have to go back to your previous post to find out what was your idea was concerning. Overall, you did a good job and I enjoyed reading about your opportunity.

  2. Hey Jared, Very interesting opportunity, there is in fact a great issue concerning this opportunity. There are things policy wise that can be implemented or better yet, coming up with a solution that con benefit us all. Overall I enjoyed reading this, but had to go back as well. Interesting points of view!
